Lois Beckmen, FPQP™


Lois Beckman's headshot

Lois Beckmen, FPQP™

FPQP™, Operations

Growing up, my dad said ‘show up,’ and my mom said ‘wear something clean.’ These words have served me very well, and help inspire me to always show up for our clients, appreciating and advocating for their individual objectives and needs.

Lois Beckmen joined Riverbridge in 1995. In her role, Lois supports the Chief Compliance Officer with administering, testing, and upholding responsibility for the firm’s compliance program. During her tenure at Riverbridge, Lois has supported Operations, Accounting, Client Service, and Office Administration. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Food Nutrition and Dietetics from North Dakota State University. Outside of work, Lois enjoys spending time with her family, volunteering for her neighborhood environmental committee and traveling around the country running marathons.