Healthcare’s Challenges Present Significant Opportunities for Investors

Healthcare has been a broadly disappointing sector for investors in recent years. Unsurprisingly, many of the largest and longest-lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been concentrated in the industry, from nurse and physician shortages, to unpredictable utilization of healthcare services, to a volatile biotech and life sciences funding environment.

Will AI take my job?

The most common question we receive about artificial intelligence is unrelated to investments: “Will A.I. take my job?” Given Hollywood’s tendency to cast an AI future in a negative light (think Terminator, I, Robot, The Matrix, and Wargames), it is not surprising that our collective thoughts trend toward pessimism. If we can, however, imagine AI as autonomous agents working for the benefit of humanity, then we can picture a world in which future AI systems produce massive economic and societal benefit.

Committing to a Long-Term Strategy in the New Year

Nearly every financial publication this time of year includes forecasts for everything from stocks to bonds to GDP growth, inflation, employment, interest rates, election season, and geopolitical unrest.

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