Our commitment is to add lasting value to the world we are building together.

The purpose, mission, and culture of Riverbridge are rooted in a long-term mindset that strives to elevate the potential of people, businesses, and communities far into the future.


Our commitment is to add lasting value to the world we are building together.

The purpose, mission, and culture of Riverbridge are rooted in a long-term mindset that strives to elevate the potential of people, businesses, and communities far into the future.


To further human flourishing.

At Riverbridge, we think long-term. This is exemplified in our investment approach as well as through how we think about the fundamental purpose of investments. We believe that investing in businesses positioned to build long-term value drives innovation and opportunities that contribute to furthering human flourishing—both in our communities today and for future generations.


To invest with endurance in ways that build value over time.

Our work each day is grounded in a mindset of endurance. Our strategy—which has not wavered since 1987—identifies investments with the fundamentals positioned for enduring growth. We help our clients persist in these investments so they can achieve their goals, and we provide clients with insights and trusted guidance to outlast market cycles. Our mission is to invest with endurance in ways that build value over time.


Building around a shared commitment to serve.

At Riverbridge, we invest our time and talents in building a strong and sustainable future for our clients and communities. In that spirit, we are focused on developing our employees, both personally and professionally, and we are committed to being good stewards of our resources.

We embrace eight practices of a flourishing team:

OUR vision

We envision a future where Riverbridge and our clients use our human and financial capital to add enduring value to lives, communities, and the world we are building together—for generations to come.

Building a Flourishing Future

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A wise team Member:

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Values multiple perspectives, even if they are in opposition to their own

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Effectively prioritizes what must be done now and what can be improved later

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Listens first in order to understand

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Makes sound decisions despite ambiguity

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Identifies and addresses root causes, not symptoms

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Knows how to exercise good judgment and think strategically

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Understands the difference between intelligence and wisdom

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Knows a good idea can come from anyone

A responsible team member:

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Is proactive in doing work that serves the team

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Does not default to groupthink or consensus decision-making

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Never thinks “that’s not my job”

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Takes ownership and does not point fingers

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Seeks to constantly improve

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Demonstrates self-control and self-awareness

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Makes themselves useful

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Acts like a leader

A selfless team member:

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Seeks what is best for Riverbridge, rather than what is best for themselves

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Puts their ego aside in order to accomplish the task at hand

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Makes time to help colleagues

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Acts with humility

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Operates with the long-term good of others in mind instead of short-term gains

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Knows they serve a purpose greater than themselves

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Makes sacrifices without expecting recognition​

A transparent team member:

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Speaks truth with kindness

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Demonstrates vulnerability

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Is candid and direct

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Shares information openly and proactively

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Does not act with ulterior motives or make political maneuvers

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Quickly admits mistakes and asks for help

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Communicates with colleagues directly if there are disagreements or discomfort

A curious team member:

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Learns rapidly and eagerly

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Has a global mindset

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Contributes effectively beyond their primary responsibilities

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Seeks to be broadly knowledgeable about all areas of our marketplace and industry

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Carefully considers, seeks out, and appreciates alternative perspectives

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Seeks to understand our business, strategy, investments, and clients

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Takes an interest in other people

A courageous team member:

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Is critical only in order to build up and empower, never to tear down

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Respectfully speaks their mind, even if their perspective is controversial

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Makes tough decisions

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Takes smart risks

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Seeks truth regardless of popular opinion

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Accepts that they may fail

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Does not get paralyzed by fear

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Stands up for what is right

A innovative team member:

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Discovers and develops achievable solutions to difficult problems

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Challenges assumptions and suggests better approaches

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Creates new ideas that prove useful

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Finds time to explore and experiment

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Cultivates an environment of psychological safety

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Is energized by new possibilities

A driven team member:

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Expects and maintains high standards of self and others

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Cares intensely about our clients’ success

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Accomplishes amazing amounts of important work

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Strives for excellence and inspires others to do the same

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Leverages the strengths of others effectively

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Focuses on great outcomes rather than on adhering to a process

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Consistently demonstrates strong performance

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Continually seeks self-improvement through experience, observation, introspection, reading, and discussion

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